Plex, Plexiglass, Acryclic Signs
Backlit Signs, Sign Cabinets, Plex/Plastic Sign Faces
A very popular choice in Tahoe because of their ability
to shine light through which makes plex signs really stand out at night.
If you don't already have a "Backlit Sign Can" (also known as
a "Sign Cabinet") to install the sign into, we can custom build
and install one for you. We are the #1 local Custom Sign Cabinet Makers.
We deal with all the local agencies to get the largest size sign permitted
and build it to the highest industry standards. Our service keeps on going
and we keep all T12HO Bulbs in stock and a 50' bucket truck to maintain
your signs for you. These signs are also known as plastic, acrylic
or lexan signs.
We offer LOCAL, affordable and quality
Give us the opportunity to make a bid on your signs
Click on the thumbnails below to view the large image
Plex comes in several colors and is suitable for
signs up to 30 square feet. Sun will make plex brittle after 5 to
10 years, which makes your sign more likely to break when we come to change
a light bulb or adjust copy. For the reason, we highly recommend
using a GE product called 'Lexan' for signs 30 square feet or larger.
Lexan is completely indestructible to any other means than a high powered
saw or perhaps a large bomb or gunshot. It's a little bit more expensive,
but you can hit it with a sledge hammer or throw rocks at it and lexan
will not break. |
Call us now for a Free Quote
We will beat any reasonable, written estimate
by 5%